Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Thanks everyone for making my trip a reality.   I'll sort thru the notes,  photos,  and memories to put together my presentation. ... actually might be a few presentations because I had time to learn about koalas,  dingoes, devils,  echidnas, and wallabies.  It's been only a week since I left and I already miss the land down under.   I will return some day,  but for now I have some new ideas and techniques for training and handling Murray,  the wombat.  I also have first hand experience about the troubles wombats face in the wild and seen studies being done by Dr Elisa Sparrow that will conserve them and mend the rift between farmers and animal.   Thank you everyone.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Last day at the zoo

Today was the last day at the Perth zoo for me. .. they are very interested in a keeper exchange.   Fingers crossed that I can go back for a few months.   Some of the best keepers I had the pleasure of meeting.   Their echidna set up is amazing and would take many months to learn all the accomplishments they have made.   The wombats are great. .. the male is too aggressive to go in with.   There is a good possibility that Murray could change too when a female is in the picture.   I have a back up plan now to condition him in protected contact if that day comes.   I hope it doesn't come down to that but it's good to train him in different ways even if he stays as sweet as he is now.   I also learned some innovative ways to exhibit nocturnal animals so hopefully our night house will be more active and it will finally be opened to the public.   I know I'll see this city again in the future,  just don't know when.   In the mean time,  I have grown my list of contacts of Australian animals keepers to help me along my new journey.  Maybe a few of them will take me up on my offer to visit los Angeles.