Monday, October 21, 2013

Nullarbor Plain

I've returned from Nullarbor... The first night we stayed at a beach shack right near the pier (or jetty if your Australian).  We went out spotlighting a saw some Western Grey Kangaroos, more sleepy lizards, and some wombats.  I had the chance to grab a wombat as it walked out from under the truck...but I hesitated and it ran off.  They can run so much faster than I ever thought they could.  The rabbits were all over the place, but this area is outside the dog fence so that was expected.  We drove over sand dunes and stopped by the coast.  I got to see 3 Australian Sea Lions.  We walked on the beach were they were at and they allowed us to get fairly close.  The next night we stayed at a Shepards Hut in the National Park.  We went spot lighting again, but we only saw one wombat.  There are spoil mounds all over this area but evidence shows that they are inhabited by rabbits and very few wombats.  The truck get stuck in a wombat hole while driving the old paddocks at night.  Elisa got us unstuck, very thankful for that because we were literally out in the middle of nowhere.  We also saw 1 Red Kangaroo which was very cool...they are much better looking than the greys. The only thing I did not get to see was the Wild Camels.  I'll post more pics once I'm back in the city.  Here are a few for now.

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