Tuesday, December 9, 2014

One night in Paris

As promised,  here is the Paris blog.... written by Kris Willis:

Guest blogger Willis here. Sorry it's a day late - I'm still recovering from my Absinthe stupor!

We started off really early lugging our very full & heavy suitcases onto the crowded tube system to catch our Eurostar train to Paris. Arrived at the Gare du Nord and were immediately accosted by gypsies and taxi drivers, but we fought them all off and were able to walk the few blocks to our hotel, where we stored our bags for a later check in and took off to hit the streets. We decided to take a hop-on, hop-off tour bus because we were so short on time - a little miserable as it was rainy and extremely cold up on the open top, but we had an unobstructed view! We finally arrived at the Eiffel Tower. We decided to brave the cold and the height and bought tickets to go all the way to the top. The mulled wine was delicious as we watched the sun set over the Paris skyline. Turns out the top sways quite a bit, though, so we took our photos and left.

Back to the hotel to check in to our triple room with three single beds... only to open the door and see one double bed. Oops! Turned out to be a mistake through Expedia, so the hotel comped us girls a larger room with two single beds and Damian kept the original room - finally enjoying some time to himself.

Dinner was an adventure. We wanted French cuisine, but it was hard to find a place that was 1) affordable and 2) had decent vegetarian options for Danielle. We liked our choice and tried lots of new foods - liked them all! Topped it all off with crepes; mine was on fire - literally! On the way back, Damian was very impressed with the public urinals - a freestanding circle of three with only side privacy guards. He wants to write to Hollywood leaders with this ingenious invention!

Speaking of adventure, one of our goals was to try Absinthe, so we were off to the Anthony Bourdain recommended bar, Cantada II. Turns out it's pretty delicious! And also pretty strong! Damian and I enjoyed several varieties. Danielle didn't care for it and had other drinks, but she did get to enjoy the local wildlife when a drunk Frenchman decided to hit on her! With some help from our new BFF bartender, tho, she was able to rebuff him and we all celebrated with free shots of Creme de Menthe - hooray!

It was a rough start this morning, as you can imagine, but we made it to our bus. The day was sunny, but very cold again. This time we exited at Champs Élysées and walked all the way to the top, enjoying the Christmas market along the way. We tried gallettes, kinda like crepes, but thicker and with egg & cheese inside. Damian and I tried Andouille sausage in ours - I did NOT like the consistency and had to spit it out. Damian ate all of his before googling what it's made of - the entire digestive system of a pig! Eww!

After a couple photos at the Arc de Triomphe, we hopped back on the bus and saw what there was to see until we exited again at Notre Dame. A quick walk through the cathedral was followed by drinks and some shopping. We had to hurry after that, but the buses were so slow! We ended up making it back to our hotel, grabbing our bags, and speed-walking back to the train station. We made it through the UK border control in time, though, and were safely in our train seats in time for the ride back.

Last night in London tonight. Luckily our hotel is at the airport. Enjoying our last ciders before heading home tomorrow. Quite a great trip!

Photos courtesy of Damian

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day of misfortunes

Got up early to see the Royal Mews..... the Royal Stables.   They are not open to the public in the months of December and January,  Damn it!   Walked over in the rain to watch the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. ..... cancelled due to inclement weather. ..... fail!   Walked over to the Museum of Natural History. ..... line is wrapped around the block and around the corner. ....f***ing sh*t. Decided to stop and have afternoon tea,  excellent... had finger sandwiches and desserts.   Walk up to the World's Famous Harrods Department Store. .... mass exodus of tourists.   But we stayed for an hour and glad we did.   You can literally buy anything you want in this store. .... of course it will cost you a pretty penny.   5 floors of high end designer clothes,  chocolates,  fruit, meat, furniture, spy gadgets,  toys,  even a boat and jet ski.   They also had quite a few restaurants,  way out of my price range,  and you can even stop up at the Champagne Bar to rest while you shop.   Again. .. the Champagne was way out of our price range.   We then went to the Queens Gallery.   Pretty boring,  mostly photographs from the Royal Excursion to Egypt.   They had a few neat artifacts but not enough to keep us there long.   We then finally got in to the Museum of Natural History. ... amazing! !  Wish we had more time there,  by far the most beautiful museum any of us had been in.  
We had dinner at an English Pub that was on our dining card for a free bottle of wine.   Got there and that offer is not available during Christmas time.   This card has been the biggest waste of money.   Either the restaurants in it are closed down or don't offer any discount.   Anyways, we ended up having a great meal.  I got the Wildgame Pie,  made with Hare,  Boar, and pheasant.... Kris had a meat Pie and of course Danielle got a vegetarian Pie.   For dessert,  Spotted Dick, and Sweet Sticky Pudding.   Came back home to clean up the flat and pack for our trip to Paris tomorrow morning.

1- Queens Gallery
2- Harrods
3- Champagne Bar at Harrods
4 & 5 - Museum of Natural History
6- English Pie

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday in London

Today we took a Thames River Cruise up to the Tower of London and saw the London Eye. We didn't go on the London Eye. .... I'm not a huge fan of heights.   We walked through a farmer's market at Kings Cross and sampled some mince meat pie.   We also went to Platform 9 3/4 for all of you Harry Potter fans.   Next stop was to the Charles Dickens Museum which was kind of boring but we got to see inside the house of how they lived back then.  No day would have been complete without a visit to the Beefeater Gin Distillery. .... which we learned that ALL Beefeater Gin is made in Kennington, London,  kind of hard to believe.   I bought a bottle of their Garden Variety Gin which is only sold at the distillery using one of their small pot stills.   If I love it I can only get it here so I'll only use it for special occasions.   Kris bought out the gift shop. ... again.   Then we decided to half a nicer dinner off of Bond St.   The streets were windy and narrow and the restaurant was hard to find. .... but we finally made it and. ....... we had no reservations and the night was booked.   I put on my charm and got us a table (or as Kris puts it, I got angry and they gave us a table. ... it was a long day).  Back at the flat now and we are staying in. .... it has been an exhausting night.   High Tea tomorrow!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Went out separate ways

Today I went to Kensington Palace.   The palace was not as large as I had expected. ... guess that's why only the princes live there,  in apartments.   Prince William and Harry must not have gotten my invitation for High Tea,  I'm sure it's lost in the post or the neighboring apartment received it by mistake.   I got lost on the tube going there then got lost in the gardens going to the Palace.   I walked past it twice because I was expecting something grander.   It was a self guided tour and the rooms were beautiful.  The Kings and Queens had massive yards back then. .... Damn.   Afterwards I explored Kensington High Street and checked out the shops.  For a late lunch I tried a Cheddar and Pickle sandwich,  which I really enjoyed.   I walked probably about 5 miles today so went back for a nap until Kris and Danielle returned from Stonehenge so we can have dinner.

Kris and Danielles trip,  written in the words of Willis. .....

Short and sweet: Danielle and I took a formal tour on a coach with a dapper old English gentleman to Stonehenge and to the city of Bath. Stonehenge was more involved than I had previously thought - more than just a pile of rocks. The city of Bath was beautiful!  So quaint! We visited the Roman baths - England's only natual hot springs. Very delicious lunch then we made a dent in our wallets by shopping at the local shops and a super cute Christmas market. It was a long bus ride back because of a traffic jam on the M4, but now we're ready to hit the cold streets of London in search of some dinner!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Park where you want

Apparently in England, one can park their car whatever direction they want.   Seriously,  it's weird and confuses me on which side of the street to look down while crossing the street (with or without the walk symbol -read previous post)  also Eggs come in cartons of 10 and you can buy Cider in a 2 liter bottle at the grocery store.   Every is in a huge hurry and the Wool Coat manufactures must make a killing here.   I have heard the word "Sorry" more times than I have in my entire life. .. even if it's my fault by getting in the way.   All these things are not a negative to me,  it just makes England unique in our eyes.   I just found the differences a little bit strange.
We went to the London Bridge Tour this morning. .... it was very informative and also had a haunted attraction in the basement.   By far,  the scariest thing u have ever gone through. ... scarier than any haunted house I have ever been in.
Also went to the London Zoo.   Thank you Grant for the amazing behind the scenes tours today.   It's greatly appreciated.
Ventured into "White Chapel" today. .... this was the only bad part of the city that I've seen so far.   This is where Jack the Ripper murdered his victims.   So Ya,  probably won't be going there.   After that,  one last night at the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park,  this time Danielle joined us.
I have the day to myself tomorrow,  Kris and Danielle are going to Stonehenge and Bath. .... I'm venturing out in London on my own.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mind the gap

Today we went to the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge Tour.   At the Tower of London,  I sat right next to the Crypt of Henry the VIII in the Queens private Chapel.   We are practically besties now. Got to see the Ravens and learned that this is where the"Zoo" was before the London Zoo was started.   I also saw the chopping block where many members of Royalty were beheaded. ... kinda creepy. Didn't realize that it is still one of the Queens working palaces.   The Crown Jewels were pretty amazing. ... but couldn't stand to stare at them too long because you view them from a moving walkway.   The collection of Armor was pretty extensive.  
The Tower Bridge was pretty cool. ...I even worked up the nerve to walk across the glass floor hundreds of yards above the street and Thames River below.  
I'm pretty much an expert navigating the London Underground. ...."Mind the Gap".  I cooked dinner for everyone tonight. ...I didn't do a very good job on the Indian Food because Danielle ended up with a sour stomach and spent the rest of the night at the flat.   Kris and I went to Hyde Park to check out the "Winter Wonderland" festivities.   It was like a carnival on Santa Steroids.   So much to do and see.   Tomorrow. ..... the London Zoo.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 2

We did some sightseeing today. ... and learned a few things.   The red "do not walk" sign means nothing to the Brits.  Mushy peas (it's exactly what it sounds like) is absolutely disgusting.   And fresh eggs at the grocery stores are not refrigerated. ... they are left on the shelves with the bread.
Our first stop was to Westminster Abbey....I was surprised that so many past kings and queens are buried in tombs that you can walk up to,  they are everywhere in the church.   Also Charles Darwin and Sir Isaac Newton are also buried there along with countless others beneath our feet.   We also saw Big Ben and Parliament
.... next we visited Buckingham Palace,  alas the queen missed my invitation and was not at home.   The changing of the guard is tomorrow (it's every other day during the winter) so we will stop back by tomorrow.  
Next we visited Churchills War Room.  It was too much information to absorb,  but enjoyable.
Then we went to Piccadilly Circus.   Reminds me of a small Times Square.   Very cool old buildings and windy streets where we found a Pub for some Fish & Chips.
We then went to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas Tree from Norway.   Very disappointing,  want even lit up yet and no ornaments.   We are going to Hyde Park tonight for a Christmas Festival. ...hopefully this one is better.
We finally visited St Martin in the Fields Church and made our own artwork. ... brass rubbings.
I think we are finally navigating the tube like a pro. ..it's so easy to get around this city by train.   I only wish Los Angeles was as easy.