Got up early to see the Royal Mews..... the Royal Stables. They are not open to the public in the months of December and January, Damn it! Walked over in the rain to watch the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. ..... cancelled due to inclement weather. ..... fail! Walked over to the Museum of Natural History. ..... line is wrapped around the block and around the corner. ....f***ing sh*t. Decided to stop and have afternoon tea, excellent... had finger sandwiches and desserts. Walk up to the World's Famous Harrods Department Store. .... mass exodus of tourists. But we stayed for an hour and glad we did. You can literally buy anything you want in this store. .... of course it will cost you a pretty penny. 5 floors of high end designer clothes, chocolates, fruit, meat, furniture, spy gadgets, toys, even a boat and jet ski. They also had quite a few restaurants, way out of my price range, and you can even stop up at the Champagne Bar to rest while you shop. Again. .. the Champagne was way out of our price range. We then went to the Queens Gallery. Pretty boring, mostly photographs from the Royal Excursion to Egypt. They had a few neat artifacts but not enough to keep us there long. We then finally got in to the Museum of Natural History. ... amazing! ! Wish we had more time there, by far the most beautiful museum any of us had been in.
We had dinner at an English Pub that was on our dining card for a free bottle of wine. Got there and that offer is not available during Christmas time. This card has been the biggest waste of money. Either the restaurants in it are closed down or don't offer any discount. Anyways, we ended up having a great meal. I got the Wildgame Pie, made with Hare, Boar, and pheasant.... Kris had a meat Pie and of course Danielle got a vegetarian Pie. For dessert, Spotted Dick, and Sweet Sticky Pudding. Came back home to clean up the flat and pack for our trip to Paris tomorrow morning.
1- Queens Gallery
2- Harrods
3- Champagne Bar at Harrods
4 & 5 - Museum of Natural History
6- English Pie
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