Friday, December 5, 2014

Went out separate ways

Today I went to Kensington Palace.   The palace was not as large as I had expected. ... guess that's why only the princes live there,  in apartments.   Prince William and Harry must not have gotten my invitation for High Tea,  I'm sure it's lost in the post or the neighboring apartment received it by mistake.   I got lost on the tube going there then got lost in the gardens going to the Palace.   I walked past it twice because I was expecting something grander.   It was a self guided tour and the rooms were beautiful.  The Kings and Queens had massive yards back then. .... Damn.   Afterwards I explored Kensington High Street and checked out the shops.  For a late lunch I tried a Cheddar and Pickle sandwich,  which I really enjoyed.   I walked probably about 5 miles today so went back for a nap until Kris and Danielle returned from Stonehenge so we can have dinner.

Kris and Danielles trip,  written in the words of Willis. .....

Short and sweet: Danielle and I took a formal tour on a coach with a dapper old English gentleman to Stonehenge and to the city of Bath. Stonehenge was more involved than I had previously thought - more than just a pile of rocks. The city of Bath was beautiful!  So quaint! We visited the Roman baths - England's only natual hot springs. Very delicious lunch then we made a dent in our wallets by shopping at the local shops and a super cute Christmas market. It was a long bus ride back because of a traffic jam on the M4, but now we're ready to hit the cold streets of London in search of some dinner!

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