Thursday, December 4, 2014

Park where you want

Apparently in England, one can park their car whatever direction they want.   Seriously,  it's weird and confuses me on which side of the street to look down while crossing the street (with or without the walk symbol -read previous post)  also Eggs come in cartons of 10 and you can buy Cider in a 2 liter bottle at the grocery store.   Every is in a huge hurry and the Wool Coat manufactures must make a killing here.   I have heard the word "Sorry" more times than I have in my entire life. .. even if it's my fault by getting in the way.   All these things are not a negative to me,  it just makes England unique in our eyes.   I just found the differences a little bit strange.
We went to the London Bridge Tour this morning. .... it was very informative and also had a haunted attraction in the basement.   By far,  the scariest thing u have ever gone through. ... scarier than any haunted house I have ever been in.
Also went to the London Zoo.   Thank you Grant for the amazing behind the scenes tours today.   It's greatly appreciated.
Ventured into "White Chapel" today. .... this was the only bad part of the city that I've seen so far.   This is where Jack the Ripper murdered his victims.   So Ya,  probably won't be going there.   After that,  one last night at the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park,  this time Danielle joined us.
I have the day to myself tomorrow,  Kris and Danielle are going to Stonehenge and Bath. .... I'm venturing out in London on my own.

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